Uruguay, officially the Oriental Republic of Uruguay or the Eastern Republic of Uruguay or the Republic East of the Uruguay (River) (Spanish: República Oriental del Uruguay). This South American country lies in between Brazil and Argentina and has extense coasts on the Río de la Plata and the southern Atlantic ocean.
Located entirely within a temperate zone, Uruguay has a subtropical climate that is relatively mild and fairly uniform nationwide. Seasonal variations are pronounced, but extremes in temperature are rare. Its estimated population is about 3.4 million.
The landscape is mostly composed of rolling plains and low hill ranges (called cuchillas in vernacular Spanish) with a fertile coastal lowland. A dense fluvial network covers the country, consisting of four river basins: the Río de la Plata, the Uruguay River, the Laguna Merín and the Río Negro. The major internal river is the Río Negro (‘Black River’). Several lagoons are found along the Atlantic coast.